- What is 310-OPEN?
310-OPEN is a new adult Mental Health and Addictions Service that is being launched in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties: Open Line Open Mind 310-OPEN (6736). This service is open anytime, confidential and free to anyone to call when they need information and support for all mental health and addictions related services.
- Why do we need 310-OPEN?
Benefits of 310-OPEN:
- offer one number to call to access all mental health and addictions services in Hastings Prince Edward
- eliminate confusion on who to call to access services
- shorten current length of waiting times
- complete a comprehensive physical, emotional, mental and/or addictions health assessment
- provide immediate response 24/7, 365 days /yr
- refer to the appropriate agency(s) for services
- improve transfer/referral between agencies
- Can I call for the person?
Yes, with the person’s permission, agency staff or the person’s friend/family member may assist / sit with the person while they make the call, or the person may make the call themselves.
- But what if someone wants to call at 3 a.m.?
People may call Central Intake 24 hours/day, 365 days per year.
- Will a person be “on-hold” for a long time when they call Central Intake?
All staff have been trained to do central intake. It is anticipated that calls would be answered within minutes, in a timely fashion.
- Will I be given an appointment once I call?
Yes, Central Intake staff will assist with meeting your immediate needs, and scheduling an appointment, as required.
- Do I have to tell my story many times?
No, the intention is that the Central Intake assessment will harmonize with individual agency processes.
- If I am in Crisis, do I call 310-OPEN, or the Crisis Line?
If you are in crisis, call the Crisis Line. Note that QHC Crisis Intervention program staff answer calls to both the Crisis Line and the 310-OPEN line.